Some Must Reads...

  • Everything Matters!
  • South of Broad
  • The Shack
  • Water For Elephants

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wednesday Wednesday

So I work 4-10 hour days and have Wednesdays off. Usually I putter around alternately doing dishes, playing games on the laptop, doing laundry, playing on get the picture. Nothing major happens on my Wednesdays. Maybe some Dr's appointments, general running around. And sometimes, I even get to just chill and maybe take a nap.

All of the above was planned for last Wednesday, and then paying a visit to my Mom was added to the mix. I had spoken to her a couple of times over the past few days and she just didn't sound like herself. Well, I guess it was because the arthritis in her shoulder had been pretty bad and she was in a lot of pain. Added to this, her house was a mess as she could not do the cleaning due to the pain she was in. My Mom has always been a pretty meticulous person. Everything has always had its place and things were to be cleaned in a certain manner. So when she could not do her cleaning, she became a bit depressed.

I volunteered to come over for a couple of hours to help her but wasn't looking forward to doing anymore cleaning than I absolutely had to.

I remember growing up trying to meet her high standards when doing my chores and pretty much failing miserably and usually ending up in a knock down drag out screaming match. Yeah, did I mention my Mom and I have historically not experienced a lovey dovey relationship? It's not the best relationship but it's not the worst either. I guess it's grown over the years to be enjoyable most of the time but we still have our difficulties.

So, I grabbed some much need Timmy Ho's coffee and a muffin and headed over. I have to say, it didn't end up as bad as I thought it would. I made a list, and just went about my business and got things done. She was very appreciative of my help and I know it made a difference to her. I just wish I knew the secret to having a better relationship with her. It seems like such an enigma to me and baffles me. I think she's a good person. I love her. I appreciate the things she has gone thru. But somehow it still doesn't bring the closeness I would hope for us. Anyone out there have any ideas on mother-daughter relationships???

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Late...

It's late, it's cold, it's dark. Just sitting here by the light of the laptop not quite sure what to do with myself. I've been sick for a couple of days so sleep has been sparse and I decided for some foolish reason to forgo the nighttime cold here I am.

I was tooling around facebook for a while but that got a little old. Read the latest on the joke of a show (that I am addicted to) The Bachelor, and then decided to give this lame, limping along blog a gander....A gander? WTF is that? Since when do I use the term "gander?" I think I must be getting old, no, I know I am getting old. So many things have been jumping out at me lately that tell me I am slowly becoming my parents. That was never suppose to happen was it? Years ago, it was a joke, a shockingly horrible joke that would never happen right?

Yet here I sit, needing glasses, saying gander, and mulling over the number of times I've told my son to turn down his tv and stop swearing.

Yup, it's happening...guess I have to figure out how to be the new me so I don't end up some 40 year old woman acting like a fool and trying to be 21 again.

I'm a pretty smart chick...I think I'll do alright. Time will tell my friends...and lucky you, so will my blog :) Talk to you soon!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I really hope it's true. There are too many people in this world that are horrible to others and they seemingly get away with I truly hope that somehow, some way they will get what they deserve!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life Gets In The Way...

It's been a long while since my last post, and as the title of this suggests, Life just kinda got in the way. I have gone through some things that have made me a bit introspective so I have not been in the mood to share as of late.

Back in August, my Grandmother died. It wasn't entirely unexpected, as she was 93, but it still took a lot out of me. I have many fond memories of my Gram and loved her a lot. I miss her all the time.

Losing someone really makes you think about a lot of things, some great memories, and some scary stuff (mortality, death.) I think it's harder to deal with the older you are because your view on your own mortality comes into perspective. When your 20, 20 years down the road seems like an eternity...when your 40 it seems like every year goes by too quickly, and it's one year that you'll never have back.

Death also makes you examine the other relationships in your life, and think about investing more in those that matter and maybe remove those that do nothing but drain you. But what do you do when one of the draining relationships is one you also feel obligated to remain in?

More to come...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Latest Poll

The latest poll had a whopping 2 votes-1 for Life and 1 for Sports. I think I'll take on sports next since the last post I wrote about the meaning of life. It may take a couple of days to formulate what I want to write since I am now back to work-YUCK!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Blogging Poll-The Meaning of Life

Hi All~

The winning blog choice the first time around that you want to see me blog about is The Meaning of Life. Pretty big topic, so this should be interesting.

I would consider myself a "deeper" person. I think a lot about the meaning of things, and sometimes I wish I didn't-it keeps a person up at night sometimes! That being said, no matter how much I think about something that is deep, I usually end up going round and round and not really coming to a solid conclusion. I guess that's ok, but being slightly OCD, I really prefer having things wrapped up in a neater package and getting an end result. Regardless, I will give it a shot and will start with the process of elimination.

The meaning of life is not:
The biggest house
The best car
Being neat and tidy
Having the most fashionable clothes
Eating at the best restaurants
Traveling the world
Having everything you could ever want
Having a million dollar job
Having the best looking lawn

All of the above things are nice, and they contribute to the quality of ones life depending what you put importance on. They even give a life a "type" of meaning, but none are the meaning of life. I think the meaning of life is different to each person. It depends on your upbringing, where you are in your life, what you feel is important. I think above all else, the meaning of life to me at this point in my own life, is to love and be loved. To give the most of yourself each and every day, no matter how big or small. To do things in your life that use your talents, and unique personality and outlook.

That's my two cents for now. Thanks to whoever is listening.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Best Birthday Ever!

Had a very nice surprise party last night! 30+ friends, food and drink...just a great time. All of these adventures for my 40th birthday and the actual day isn't even here yet! I have really had a blast and am blessed to have such caring and wonderful people in my life.