Some Must Reads...

  • Everything Matters!
  • South of Broad
  • The Shack
  • Water For Elephants

Monday, August 10, 2009

Latest Poll

The latest poll had a whopping 2 votes-1 for Life and 1 for Sports. I think I'll take on sports next since the last post I wrote about the meaning of life. It may take a couple of days to formulate what I want to write since I am now back to work-YUCK!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Blogging Poll-The Meaning of Life

Hi All~

The winning blog choice the first time around that you want to see me blog about is The Meaning of Life. Pretty big topic, so this should be interesting.

I would consider myself a "deeper" person. I think a lot about the meaning of things, and sometimes I wish I didn't-it keeps a person up at night sometimes! That being said, no matter how much I think about something that is deep, I usually end up going round and round and not really coming to a solid conclusion. I guess that's ok, but being slightly OCD, I really prefer having things wrapped up in a neater package and getting an end result. Regardless, I will give it a shot and will start with the process of elimination.

The meaning of life is not:
The biggest house
The best car
Being neat and tidy
Having the most fashionable clothes
Eating at the best restaurants
Traveling the world
Having everything you could ever want
Having a million dollar job
Having the best looking lawn

All of the above things are nice, and they contribute to the quality of ones life depending what you put importance on. They even give a life a "type" of meaning, but none are the meaning of life. I think the meaning of life is different to each person. It depends on your upbringing, where you are in your life, what you feel is important. I think above all else, the meaning of life to me at this point in my own life, is to love and be loved. To give the most of yourself each and every day, no matter how big or small. To do things in your life that use your talents, and unique personality and outlook.

That's my two cents for now. Thanks to whoever is listening.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Best Birthday Ever!

Had a very nice surprise party last night! 30+ friends, food and drink...just a great time. All of these adventures for my 40th birthday and the actual day isn't even here yet! I have really had a blast and am blessed to have such caring and wonderful people in my life.