Some Must Reads...

  • Everything Matters!
  • South of Broad
  • The Shack
  • Water For Elephants

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Late...

It's late, it's cold, it's dark. Just sitting here by the light of the laptop not quite sure what to do with myself. I've been sick for a couple of days so sleep has been sparse and I decided for some foolish reason to forgo the nighttime cold here I am.

I was tooling around facebook for a while but that got a little old. Read the latest on the joke of a show (that I am addicted to) The Bachelor, and then decided to give this lame, limping along blog a gander....A gander? WTF is that? Since when do I use the term "gander?" I think I must be getting old, no, I know I am getting old. So many things have been jumping out at me lately that tell me I am slowly becoming my parents. That was never suppose to happen was it? Years ago, it was a joke, a shockingly horrible joke that would never happen right?

Yet here I sit, needing glasses, saying gander, and mulling over the number of times I've told my son to turn down his tv and stop swearing.

Yup, it's happening...guess I have to figure out how to be the new me so I don't end up some 40 year old woman acting like a fool and trying to be 21 again.

I'm a pretty smart chick...I think I'll do alright. Time will tell my friends...and lucky you, so will my blog :) Talk to you soon!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I really hope it's true. There are too many people in this world that are horrible to others and they seemingly get away with I truly hope that somehow, some way they will get what they deserve!